Under this studentship the first year of training incorporates three research projects through which students will develop key research skills. In parallel, small-group tutorials will cover the basic physiology of the cardiovascular system, progressing to cardiovascular disease in semester 2. These sessions bring students into contact with senior academics (basic and clinical) from the Centre of Cardiovascular Science and facilitate the development of critical reading and scientific presentation skills. Scientific writing and data presentation/analysis techniques are acquired through workshops provided by the University’s Institute of Academic Development. These skills are employed as students compile their project reports. The assessment of these reports leads to an MSc by Research in Cardiovascular Biology. During the first year, students match to their main PhD project. This is a student-driven process: individuals are able to make an informed choice of research area and supervisor. The PhD is completed within the four year period.

The programme provides broad-based research training in biomedical science with the focus on the molecular basis of cardiovascular disease. Excellent core research facilities are available and experimental approaches include molecular genetics, cell biology, pharmacology, physiology and bioinformatics with an emphasis on the integration of these skills to provide a better understanding of the main cause of death in the UK

University of Edinburgh

University of Edinburgh
South Bridge EH8 9YL, Edinburgh, United Kingdom (Great Britain)
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